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Emergency Plan

The Rose and Alex Pilibos Armenian School and ARS “Mayr” Chapter Mary Postoian Armenian Pre-School (School) Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan (EPRP) provides policies and procedures to prepare, respond, and recover from an emergency. The highest priority during an emergency is to ensure the health and safety of our students, staff, and personnel.

The plan was prepared by the Emergency Preparedness Task Force (EPTF) in consultation with the UCLA Center for Public Health and Disasters. All aspects of the plan were reviewed by the Administration, School Board, staff and key stakeholders.

The foundation of effective disaster response is having a comprehensive “all-hazards” disaster plan that is updated and practiced on a regular basis. There are many different hazards that can potentially impact our school and local community. These hazards can be created by nature or can be human-induced. Some are predictable, others come without warning. Most are acts of nature or accidents, but some hazardous events can be the result of intentional acts of violence and terror. Regardless of the origin, planning and preparing can help lessen the impact of a hazardous event on the health and safety of our students, staff, and volunteers. Planning and preparing can also help reduce property damage, monetary losses and down-time for our academic program.

Benefits of School Emergency Planning

Some of the benefits of emergency planning include:
  1. Actions taken to increase safety can be worthwhile on a daily basis and not just in an emergency.
  2. Planning is an excellent opportunity to involve students, staff and parents.
  3. Families and the community can learn from the school’s planning efforts.
  4. Rapid response to an emergency situation can prevent injuries, save lives, and allow for a quicker return to normal school operations. 

In addressing both common response issues and specific hazards, the EPRP is:

  • Comprehensive: It includes procedures for every role in the response.
  • Risk-based: It addresses the actual risks facing the campus. 
  • All-hazards in approach: It will apply in any identified hazardous situation facing the campus.

It is clearly understood that emergency preparedness and response planning is a dynamic process and that the plan needs to be reviewed and revised each academic year.